Faith & Family Business

  • Dedication in the family business

    July 15, 2024

    Before Samson is born, his mother knows he’s coming because of her interaction with an angel, and she knows there are great expectations for him. Now she tells her husband, repeating to him Samson’s...

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  • On families, faith, and failure

    June 30, 2024

    I’ve spent the first half of 2024 drawing lessons from two of the leaders that “judged” or led Israel, Gideon and Jephthah, during Israel’s cycles of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance, as...

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  • Clues to behavior in the family business

    June 23, 2024

    My last reflection was on Jephthah’s tragic vow and how the negative family cycle is occurring within the broader societal and spiritual cycle of Israel. Now we look at the last significant act of...

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  • Overcorrecting in the family business

    June 16, 2024

    Jephthah, disowned by his family, is later sought out by Gilead’s leaders and promised the top position — if he returns to fight against the invading Ammonite army. He accepts, has some arguments...

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  • Unexpected leadership in the family business

    June 2, 2024

    Sixty years after Gideon, Israel is repeating the cycle of worshipping false gods, and is again in dire straits. In particular, the people living in Gilead are being ruled by the Ammonites, who use...

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  • The traps in your family or firm.

    May 19, 2024

    With skill and humility, Gideon brings the disgruntled Ephraimites to his side. Now, all of the people want him to be king, but Gideon refuses. He does, however, have one request:And Gideon said to...

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  • Humility in the family business

    May 12, 2024

    After a bold strategy that plays on the enemy’s fear, the small army of Gideon has the larger Midianite army on the run. As he chases them across the country, the men of Ephraim help by capturing and...

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