Start the Conversation
This time of year can be a great time for family business conversations. The pace is slower, there are opportunities to travel together to industry meetings, and people are generally thinking about...
February 18, 2011
This time of year can be a great time for family business conversations. The pace is slower, there are opportunities to travel together to industry meetings, and people are generally thinking about...
August 18, 2010
As I've facilitated business meetings over the last few years, more and more families are inviting a respected peer to sit in on the discussion and offer feedback and guidance. Families see the...
March 18, 2010
Farming and ranching today have plenty of "hard risk," that is, those tangible elements that make such a difference in whether one has a good year or a bad year.
March 18, 2010
While fisticuffs do happen, farming families would be more productive to deal with any conflicts before it gets to that point
April 18, 2008
Discussion of the current entity structure and fi nancial condition is paramount.
March 18, 2008
Setting an agenda is key so participants understand the range of items to be discussed.
February 18, 2008
Getting everyone to sit at the table and talk is often the biggest hurdle to overcome.
March 18, 2006
This column is dedicated to a few strategies for good family communication.