Conflict Resolution and Communication in Family Business

  • Reducing The Stress Level In Your Business

    August 18, 2012

    While some reality television shows have a positive, uplifting message, most shows are based on conflict, tension and stress. TV producers have figured out that the viewing public enjoys the drama...

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  • War and Peace in the Family Business

    May 18, 2012

    Years ago I facilitated a family business meeting in which two of the ownerbrothers started yelling at one another, then stood up, got in each other's face and almost threw punches. While probably...

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  • Advice for an Amicable Breakup

    November 18, 2011

    If you follow any of my past articles, you'll see that I seem predisposed to keeping the family business intact. Sometimes, however, it seems too difficult to keep it together. Family history,...

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  • The Consequences of Unresolved Conflict

    October 18, 2011

    While working on the family farm one summer, my grandmother asked me why our family -- meaning my father and his siblings -- couldn't get along like the family who lived up the road from our ranch. I...

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  • Creating More Certainty in the Family Business

    August 18, 2011

    Benjamin Franklin said that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. In family businesses -- especially those in agriculture -- there is often much uncertainty: the weather, the markets,...

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  • In-Laws by Marriage, Out-Laws in Business?

    July 18, 2011

    It seems that every family business has a belief about in-laws and their participation in the family business. Some welcome the in-laws into the operation. Some don't include in-laws in operational...

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  • How to Talk to Your Kids

    April 18, 2011

    As a parent of three young children, I often wonder about the best way to communicate with my kids. How best to reason with them? How best to get their attention? How best to get them to listen to me...

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  • Start the Conversation

    February 18, 2011

    This time of year can be a great time for family business conversations. The pace is slower, there are opportunities to travel together to industry meetings, and people are generally thinking about...

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